Stephanie Hattenburg

Rock Drilling

The pacific northwest present a difficult challenge when it comes to HDD. Our soil varies dramatically from sand to river cobbles from the Spokane river, to glacial till boulders from the ice age, to basalt rock shelfs. We have 2 All-Terrain drills equipped with the necessary equipment to deal with rocky conditions.

AT-30 working in central Washington

At-40 breaking rock on the South Hill of Spokane


M&L is proficient with Trimble GPS technology. Our site work technologies help us to become more efficient and productive. Our GPS dozer is the work horse of the fleet, paired with the GPS excavator, and we knock out projects. As well as the dozer we also have a GPS enabled sidewalk skid-steer.

Water Bores

M and L Construction has successfully completed 11 water entries. We installed a 6” irrigation intake at Boundary Dam. We have installed 2 separate runs of Fiber conduit in the Pend Oreille river. Most recently we installed conduit at Twin Lakes. Water entries are a technical area of HDD and M&L is becoming increasingly skilled in this space.

40 at Twin Lakes
F2 at Pend Oreille
Vermeer 40 at Boundary Dam
Water entries present a number of logistical problems. M&L has unparalleled experience in this field.